
Tony Horton's 10 Minute Trainer Review

P90X has emerged as one of the more popular and accessible exercise programs on the infomercial market due to Tony Horton and his unconventional way of confusing your muscles to make them work harder. A lot of people have the same excuse for not working out such as, they don't want to change their eating habits or they just don't think it will work for them. The most popular reason is not having enough time in the day to complete a workout. Personal trainers everywhere might argue that everyone has the same 24 hours in a day but let's face it, people lead busy lives and you can't create time for yourself.10 Minute Trainer But you can squeeze out every minute, at least take 10 minutes for yourself so you can improve your overall image.
Tony Horton knows that people have busy schedules so that's why he created a 10 minute workout based on his P90X workout routine. The "90" in P90X stands for 90 days, that's how long it takes to really get to the pinnacle of your top physical condition. The 10 Minute Trainer workout condenses down all the important exercises from P90X and stacks them into a 10 minute workout. 10 Minute Trainer It's short on time but big on results. Those who purchase the 10 Minute Trainer by Tony Horton will receive 4 DVD's, resistance bands, a cardio attachment, and a door attachment. The program also comes with a complete workout plan and meal plan.
The reason that this 10 Minute Trainer workout succeeds where others don't is because of the rapid pace. There are certain exercises where you need to keep your heart rate elevated in order for them to be the most effective. Tony Horton has combined four different exercises that quickly target your total body, your lower body and cardio plus yoga in just 10 minutes per DVD. Since everything comes with the kit you can choose which workout you want to do. Many people who have used this program note that you'll probably do more than 10 minutes, some suggest at least 30 minutes but nothing less than 20 minutes. That might negate the whole 10 Minute Trainer tag line, but if you only have 10 minutes then it will still work for you.
If you don't want to purchase the P90X because of cost then the 10 Minute Trainer is a great way to start an introduction to Tony Horton and his brand of cardio. If you find that you have more time in your day then you can add a workout, you have four to choose from so giving yourself an option of which DVD to workout with is better than have just one old outdated dusty VHS tape to watch.10 Minute Trainer Tony Horton also uses his enthusiasm to keep you going; he doesn't just bark orders but gets all sweaty himself while doing the workouts. Since you have just 10 minutes to workout with each DVD you'll want to make sure and follow the meal plan. Coupling the two will help you achieve the results you're looking for. The 10 Minute Trainer doesn't really have a time frame for results like the P90X program does so you'll want to chart your progress. If you want to feel better about yourself then order the 10 Minute Trainer by Tony Horton.

