Who doesn’t want to have an upper body built like people they see on
TV and in magazines that all the women swoon over? Well with some
dedication and a good workout routine, you can get one of those bodies
yourself. One good way to accomplish this is through upper body dumbbell
exercises. There are countless upper body dumbbell exercises that you
could use, but I’ll give you just a few that could get you started on
your quest to a great physique.
Dumbbell Flat Bench- One of the staples for many people’s workouts is
the dumbbell flat bench. It is a fairly straight-forward lift. You grab
a dumbbell in each hand and lay on your back on a flat bench. Hold each
dumbbell off to your side and raise them until your arms are extended.
At the top, try to squeeze your pecs then return to the starting
position in a slow, controlled manner.
Dumbbell Military Press- You can do this exercise either seated or
standing. Grab a dumbbell in each hand and hold them about shoulder
level with your palms facing away from your body. From there, raise the
weights straight up until your arms are fully extended. Pause at the top
briefly then return to the starting position slowly.
Preacher Bicep Curls- Standing behind an inclined bench, grab a dumbbell
with one arm. Place the back of the arm with the weight in it on the
bench. Slowly release your arm and let it straighten out. Once the
weight touches the bench, curl it back up while keeping the weight under
control. Try not to swing the weight, as that will take the stress off
of the bicep.
Behind-the-Head Tricep Extensions- These can be performed either
seated or standing (though I prefer seated). Grab a dumbbell in one hand
and raise it straight above your head. From there, slowly bring the
dumbbell behind your head (bend your arm at the elbow only, try not to
go too far past 90 degrees). Pause for a moment, then return to the
starting position. Once back in the starting position, try to squeeze
your tricep for maximum effectiveness.
These are only a few of the possible dumbbell exercises you could use
in order to build muscle in you r upper body. If you are a beginner, be
sure to start with a lower weight as to avoid possible injuries.