
No Exercise Plan Works - You Do

There is no way that anyone can tell you exactly what you need when it comes to an exercise plan or program. It should fit your needs and your lifestyle. A decision is all you need to work out, to lose weight, or to better health. Many plans or programs on the Internet guide and coach you.

You need a guide to set up a schedule, to show you the correct exercise and correct execution. So many times, people start exercising without guidance. The result is physical injuries or just over exertion leading to discouragement.

We read many articles, in an effort, to present relevant and important exercise and diet information. The Articles and sites visited stressed exercise and weight loss as the most important.

Many claim the magic potion or the perfect workout. You will find promises of fast, easy weight loss and perfect bodies. There is no doubt they work. Exercise done consistently and properly will get results.

Before being swooned into a program or plan research and study them before making your decision. There is no program or diet plan that works.... only thing that will make a plan or program work is you! Positive mental attitude and effort will take you farther than any plan or program.

Physical exercise is any bodily activity that stresses muscles, improves health and gives an overall good feeling. Exercise has many benefits, to lose weight, to better the physique, strengthen muscles and to improve health.

After much research the conclusion is no bad plans just bad attitudes. People want results now. They don't want sweat and tears nor do they want to exert effort. Couch potatoes and channel surfers want results now.

Realize when it comes to diet and exercise there is nothing easy or free. It is a life changing decisions and an unstoppable effort that gets results. Make a decision let go of the remote.

After consulting with your physician and doing your research decide what you need for your goals. Select an exercise, a plan, or a program to help you reach those goals. To help make an informed decision we listed some tips. Make sure you look for the program or plan that will:

• Motivate you to exercise.

• Tell you to consult your doctor for a physical.

• Find out if you are physically able and if you have any special needs. What you and your doctor need should be a part of a program or plan.

• Meet your goals and needs: to feel better, to look better, or to resolve a medical issue.

• Coach and guide you to do proper exercises.

• Provide instruction on healthy nutrition.

• Give you guidance on the use and need of equipment such as shoes, gym clothes and monitoring techniques.

• Provide information on monitoring equipment and devices such as pedometers, heart rate monitor, and a blood pressure cuff.

• Set up a schedule and regiment. Stick to it!

• Include a Cardio workout always.

Many blogs stressed exercise, yet only one made it a point to emphasize cardio workouts. This is where you need the doctor's advice.

This is worth stressing. Cardio pulmonary workouts are essential to weight loss and good health. Monitoring heart rate is another essential. Cardio work outs do not have to be long just consistent.

Low impact workouts protect your knees. Low impact is walking briskly, bicycle riding or elliptical trainers. The emphasis is low impact with high intensity. High intensity, according to recent studies, is the way to build and tone muscles faster. Look for simple not easy, because in the long run there is no getting around exercise.

