You love your workout. Or perhaps your husband wants you to work out more often but you don't do it because, well, it's a lot of work and you don't have time for it. And believe it or not, little factors like not having the right clothes for it can make it just that bit harder to get to that workout that you know you need to. My goal is to idenfity those roadblocks and get them out of your way!
Over the years, I've used a ton of different kinds of workout clothers, for different kinds of actitivies, from running, walking, yoga, kickboxing, skating, lifting weights, soccer, etc. Here are the reasons why I've noticed mine and my clients' workout clothers don't last.
1. Picking the wrong fabric: Workout clothes can be broadly classified into three catogories by fabric. Cotton, synthetic (coolmax, supplex, polyproylene), and the rest. The rest is all the other awful fabric that don't "breathe" and make you much hotter than you need to be during your workout. Believe it or not, many leading brands make some products with bad material.
cotton is great but doesn't last. It absorbs sweat a lot so you'll be sweaty very quickly. I use it when I play tennis or ping pong. I keep several extra shirts and change 2-3 times during a 3 hour workout. That's what not what everyone likes to do. But these shirts don't last very long becauuse all that sweat absorbed contains acidic material that ruins cotton over several washes. people love it but they don't last very long. Wrong choice for long workouts. Pick cotton for short workouts of walks.
The "rest" category includes plastic based material or rubber based material is just bad. I've knowm many people get discouraged about their workout because they feel terrible after a workout and in reality, it was just the material of their clothes that was making them feel "suffocated" in those clothes. People still pick these because they are cheap or because they are just ignorant. Bad choice in almost all workout scenarios.
Synthetic material like supplex or coolmax is great. That would be my recommendation. But they don't last sometimes and These are typically more expensive, especially the good ones that blend it well with other materials and that's one reason why people don't wear these enough. But really, TRY THEM. They are the best, you'll look and feel good in them. making your workout worthwhile.
So, if you got anything out of this article, it's that you should put some thought into your workout clothes. Cotton for short ones, supplex for long duration workouts in general. Good luck!