Most people look at exercise as a means to lose weight, tone up, or bulk up. What is not thought about is how it can improve other aspects of your life. Exercise has a positive effect on so many areas of a person lifestyle, many are intangible and not always apparent. Two major areas where positive changes can take effect are with sleep and diet. Most people do not get enough sleep and/ or make poor choices at mealtime. Exercise can help improve both.
Exercise helps get your heart rate up, blood flowing, and increases the oxygen circulating throughout the body. This will help you feel more awake during the day. Exercise is about strengthening the body so that it can safely react to the ever-increasing stimuli we face daily. During exercise, muscle fibers are broken down. At night, those fibers must be repaired and grow. Your body will let you know it is time to go to sleep, to recover. Be sure to listen to your body. You will come back the next day and have another effective workout.
For most. starting an exercise program is often the scariest part and often the furthest behind its other mates diet and sleep. For some reason, people hesitate. People know they have to sleep and have to eat. Yet, most people do not even do them as well as needed. Almost two-thirds of American adults are overweight or obese. Exercise, could help. It could be the difference between making a healthy decision for lunch or reaching for the first thing you can get your hands on because it is convenient. Take five minutes to stretch at your desk. That is exercise made simple. It wakes you up. The American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity per day. If you are not there yet, slowly work up to this as your goal.
After an intense workout with a personal trainer NYC, your body is craving a good source of lean protein. Keep this in mind and you are less likely to choose a fat laden, greasy burger and opt for a leaner source of protein. There is a level of dietary awareness that comes with achieving fitness goals, allowing us to make the right decision for our body. Plus, exercise helps you burn more calories daily which will help you maintain a healthy weight.
Remember, before starting any exercise or nutritional program, be sure to consult with your doctor. It may be best to start with your annual physical, so you have baseline for your health, as well as possibly heading off any underlying problems that could derail your progress. In some cases, it may be necessary to foster a conversation between your primary care physician and your personal trainer.